Local History Books

Local History Section of the Cambridge-Narrows Regional Library
Part 1 - Genealogy - People

All of this material will have a ‘Genealogy’ sticker:

Appleby, Carl - Legacy of History Volume IV
Belyea, Emery- Legacy of History Volume V
Belyea, Marion - Legacy of History Volume I
Bremner, Dawn - L of H Volume V
Brewer, Elsie - L of H Volume V
Campbell, J. Clifford - In the End - Memories/Loyalists of Little River
Chapman, Joyce - Joyce’s Journal - Memories and Other Things
Cole, Frank - Legacy of History Volume III
Cole, Irene - L of H Volume III
Crawford, Samuel - the country diary of
Currie, Jim - The Bird Report 2013
Dykeman, Jacob - Loyalist
Fanjoy, Ron - L of H Volume V
Flower, Anthony - 1792-1875
Gagetown Hookers by Larry E. Dubord
Gunter, Lucille - L of H Volume IV
Hector, George - Whistling Banjoman
Hetherington - Arthur and Dorothy
Irish Immigrants in the New Brunswick Census of 1851 - edited by P.M.Toner
Jenkins, Don - From the Cradle to the Seven Seas and Beyond
Jones, Arthur - L of H Volume I
Keirstead, David G. - A Keirstead History
Kincade, Eileen - L of H Volume III
Knight, Doris - L of H Volume III
Macdonald, William C. - memories from the pen of
Machum - Alexander Machum, Margaret Carson, and their Descendants
Machum, B. Royden - a career biography of
McAllister, Sandy - L of H Volume IV
McConnachie, George - L of H Volume I
McLaughlin, Anne - L of H Volume 1
Obituaries - family and friends of locals
Perry, Arthur - L of H Volume I
Queens County Birth Records - 1888 to 1912
Reicker, Evelyn - L of H Volume III
Scovil - Meadowlands - a chronicle of the Scovil family
Slipp, Frances - L of H Volume V
Sommerville - The Diary of Flora E. Somerville Volume 1 1918 to 1945
Sommerville - The Diary of Flora E. Somerville Volume II 1948 to 1963
Stephenson, Edith - L of H Volume I
Straight, Allan - L of H Volume I
Straight, Alice (Parks) - 16 journals from 1907 to 1951
Straight, Jackie - L of H Volume V
Thorne, Rowena - L of H Volume III
Thorne, George Sonny - L of H Volume III
Todd, Joyce - L of H Volume IV
Turnbull, Andy - L of H Volume I
Wagstaff, Jean - L of H Volume IV
Walter, Dr. Edward - L of H Volume III
Weatherley, Robena - L of H Volume V
West, W. J. - The Wests of Coles Island - the story of a family
White, Walter - L of H Volume V
Young, Jeanette - L of H Volume IV

Note: R = Reference Books. They are not be taken out of the library.

Legacy of History (L of H) interviews are on DVD’s in this section of the library. Also, you can access them on youtube; the links are on our website - see History section..

We always welcome new journals and records of locals.
These will be kept in a black binder for now and if there is enough material, we can make a separate booklet for each person. This is everyone’s community work and it will progress over time.

You are also invited to contribute material for the Obituaries binder.

Please let us know if you have material for this section of the Cambridge-Narrows Regional Library.


Part 2 - Communities

All of this material will have a “Local History’ sticker with a purple dot:

The History of Queens County by E. Stone Wiggins

3 books: Parish of Wickham, Queens County - some births, marriages, deaths and articles of interest - David R. Henderson

1788 to 1899; 1889 to 1915; 1916 to 1965

Parishes of Cambridge and Johnson, Queens County - David R. Henderson - 1889 to 1915

The History of Henderson Settlement - Parish of Wickham - compiled by David R. Henderson 1984, rev. 2010

Village of Cambridge-Narrows Yearbook 2003

Living With the Land - People and Resources - Canaan-Washademoak Watershed

Cumberland Point, Grand Lake, Q.C. - a short history by Roberta Gilchrist McLean and Marion Gilchrist Reicker

Gagetown: As We Were - a short history with illustrations by J. K. Chapman

A History of Cambridge-Narrows by Jackie Straight

Miscellaneous information about Cambridge-Narrows and newspaper articles 2017

California Settlement - Parish of Wickham, Queens Co.

More Up Country Memories by Bormke and Aiton

5 booklets: Auditor's Report - Queens County Accounts - 1901, 1904, 1905, 1908, 1910

River Boy - Life along the St. John by J. K. Chapman
Backward Glances and Sunbury and Queens by F. A. McGrand, M.D.
A Time There Was - Petersville and other abandoned settlements in Queens Co. 1815 - 1953
Those Days Are Gone Away, Queens County, NB 1643-1901

New Jerusalem - We Remember

4 navy blue binders - Queens County, NB - History Collected and Assembled and Donated by David Henderson

The St. John River Valley

Stories from the Land of Milk and Honey by Alvin and Ronald MacLean

MacDonalds Corner, N.B.
The Early Days; a Mosaic of Life by Margaret-Anne and Dale Ashfield

MacDonalds Corner, N.B.
The Making of A History - “The People” - Volumes 1 and II by Margaret-Anne and Dale Ashfield


Part 3 - Waterways

All of the material in this section will have a “Local History” sticker with a blue dot.

Living with the Land - Our Watersheds in Times of Change (2)

Small Craft Guide - Saint John River - Third Edition 1984

The Washademoak by David R. Henderson 2014 (2)

The Lake Book - Actions You can Take to Protect Your Lake - COLA (Congress of Lake Associations)

Loons - Loon Survey by Irene Lefeuvre


Part 4 - Buildings and Structures

All of the material in this section will have a “Local History” sticker with a grey dot.

The Akerly House *
The Norwood House *
The Robinson House *
The Somerville House *
The Straight House *
* these 5 booklets were first started by summer students for Life at the Lakes. Please feel free to add any information to them.

Jemseg Lighthouse

Photos of the old bridge 2017

Cambridge-Narrows Covered Bridge by David Henderson (also article "A Sad Day" by Kyle Belyea)

Information on the old Temperance Hall (now library building) - aka Cambridge Hall

Collector Cards - Covered Bridges of New Brunswick

Covered Bridges of New Brunswick Calendar 2010

A Legacy of History - Historical Landmarks, Cambridge-Narrows, N.B. Volume II (2)

'neath the leaves of many years - stories and memories by Dawn Bremner

The Jemseg Corner Stores by Carrol (Boyd) Thorne

The Mount House on Mount Ararat Farm by O.H.Warwick and J.K.Chapman

Part 5 - Churches and Cemeteries

All of the material in this section will have a “Local History” sticker with a yellow dot.


Church of the Good Shepherd, Cambridge-Narrows, N.B. 1903 to 2003

Meetinghouse at MacDonald's Corner - The Story of a Country Church by its members 1825 to 1989 (2)

The Early Baptists of Cambridge Parish, Queens County, N.B. by Rev. Walter R. Greenwood

Local Cemeteries

100 Years of Memories - Saint Francis Xavier Parish, Sussex, N.B.

Information on the Second Cambridge United Baptist Church 2017

Parish of Cambridge & Waterborough - St. James, All Saints, Good Shepherd, St. John the Evangelist, St. Luke 2003

Parish of Cambridge and Waterborough, Queens Co., N.B. 1986

Shannon Cemetery, Parish of Wickham, Queens County,m compiled 1998

The "Free Christian Baptist Church of Shannon" - a history from 1853 through 1977, compiled by Gladys (Jones) Bevans

Part 6 - Events

All of the material in this section will have a “Local History” sticker with a pink dot.


Base Gagetown Community History Assoc. - 50 years: 1953-2003

Queens County Fair, Gagetown, N.B. 1955

More Songs from the Bluenose - Reverend H. A. Cody 1872-1948

Codys Women's Institute "Book of Honour" 1914 - 2014

400 Years of Log Fences by Eugene L. Fytche

River Boat Disasters 1902 - 1922 - compiled by David R. Henderson 2002

The Central Railway - Norton to Chipman - the first 20 years of its op0eration 1887-1907 - compiled by David R. Henderson 2002

Tragedies on and around the Washademoak Lake 1850 -- 1950 - compiled by David R. Henderson 2001

A Day in the Pines July 2, 2017 - Dedication of the "Vimy Oak"

Peace - Cambridge-Narrows, NB (sculpture at The Pines)

Senior Goodwill Ambassador Scrapbook by Doris Knight


Documents\Marilyn\Files\library\Local History Section in Word 2022.doc
Revised June 2024