FREE - Covid-19 Rapid Test Kits - while they last!
FREE - Aging in New Brunswick: A User's Guide - Fourth Edition - French and English
Due to weather: Library Closed Monday, February 17th - NB Family Day
Book Sale Cancelled
Volunteer Team Meeting
Monday, February 24 at 1:30 p.m.
(weather permitting)
re: Lions Eyeglasses Program
We are a drop-off site for the Lions Recycle For Sight.
We will pass along donated used eyeglasses to the Jemseg Lions Club.
Coffee and Cards - Every Thursday from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. - Various cards, games played over coffee and conversation. Contact: April Wilson: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Chess: Open to all - drop in anytime!
Every Saturday afternoon from 1-4 p.m.
Lakeview Bookworms Book Club meet the 3rd Wednesday of each month
from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. Everyone welcome!
Please see the three pages on our 'book club' for more information.
Cambridge-Narrows Society of Sesquipedalians
3rd Thursday each month from 6:30 to 8 p.m.
For writers of all ages and levels to discuss writing. This is not a course.
Contact: Bill Rowe - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Business Owners:
If you have brochures, menus or business cards, we can display them for you in our Visitor Information Centre.
See 'Tourism' pages on our website: Where to Eat; Where to Stay; Things To Do
Let us know if you want any changes/additions made to these pages.
Community Project: Book of Obituaries
Family and Friends of Locals
This record of past lives of those who lived in this area is put together by you and other community members. We encourage your participation. Feel free to add obituaries of friends and relatives and place them in alphabetical order, using the A to Z dividers. Use the plastic sheets if necessary. This is a small way that we can commemorate the memory of those who have lived in this area in the past. We hope that it might help genealogists in the future. See "BOOKS - Local History Books - Part 1 - Genealogy - People."
Book Memorials
You can have a personalized book-plate made in someone's memory.
Also, we will make a book-plate with the donor's name in a second book.
You can donate certain books or we can choose books that you feel are suitable.
A volunteer or student will arrange for you to receive a tax receipt for your donation.
Thank you for supporting the Cambridge-Narrows Regional Library.
Our collection of Cambridge-Narrows School yearbooks is lacking
the years: 1977, 2005 and any before 1963.
If you have copies you wish to donate to the Library, it would be appreciated.
They will be kept in the 'Local History' section of your Library.
'Thank you' to all those who have contributed to the collection.
Stories about Locals
We would like to start up a new collection of stories for the Local History Section. If anyone is interested in writing an article about a local person, we'd love to hear from you. Your essay/article can be long or short - with or without photographs. This will be a long-term, on-going project. They will be kept in a special binder in alphabetical order. You could write about your friend or neighbour or even yourself and your own family. It doesn't have to be highly detailed. You might have stories about the way things were in this area in the past. Let us know if you're interested in this. Thanks.
Seed Library for Spring of 2025
Thanks to Horizon, NB we will have another Seed Library in 2025. Stay tuned. We'll have a Seedy Saturday when they arrive next Spring.
It is supported by the Community Food Action Program through Cultivating Community Connections with the Grand Lake Wellness Network and the Cambridge-Narrows Regional Library.
Free vegetable and herb seeds will be available to members of our Library until supplies last.
Membership is FREE!
What is a seed library?
Seeds will be given to the public, free of charge, with an aim to create greener spaces, encourage people to grow their own healthy vegetables and herbs, promote food security, and facilitate community learning.
How to borrow seeds
It’s easy! Sign up and become a member of the library (membership is free). Members can choose their seeds and sign them out (limit one variety to a maximum of 10 packages for each membership number) each time you visit the library. Please print your name, library membership number and leave any comments you'd like to share - see the green sheet on the small table next to the Seed Library baskets. The Volunteers can help you.
Saving seeds
At harvest time, please take extra steps to save seeds for others. The more seeds we save, the more members of our community can experience the joy of growing their own food from local seeds. We want heirloom, open-pollinated, non-genetically modified seeds available to the community to help preserve these for our future. Saving seeds that grow well in this area will ensure that we will have a supply in the event of crop failure in some other areas.
Returning seeds
If you have seeds to share with us at harvest time, please bring them back in an envelope, or clear plastic bag marked with as much information as you can provide.
What else?
The Cultivating Community Connections grant with the Grand Lake Wellness Network allows us to have two events and also to purchase gardening books for the children and adult sections of your library.
this was the Seed Library - 2024
* same as 2023 ** new for 2024 (# of packets)
* Basil - Sweet (26)
* Beans - Bush (Green) Blue Lake (9)
**Beans - (Yellow) Gold Rush (33)
* Beets - Detroit dark red (23)
**Broccoli (DeCicco) (13)
**Brussels sprouts (Long Island) (13)
**Cabbage (Red Acre) (24)
* Carrot - Neptune (48)
* Chive (microgreens) (17)
* Cilantro/Coriander - Santo (24)
* Corn-Honey Select (13)
* Cucumber - Field Marketmore (53)
* Cucumber - Pickling (14)
* Dill - Bouquet (13)
* Kale - Blue Curled Scotch (36)
**Lettuce (Buttercrunch) (16)
**Lettuce (Red Romaine) (23)
* Lettuce (white Boston butterhead) (21)
* Onion - (Green Parade bunching) (26)
* Onion - Early yellow globe (21)
**Oregano (Green variety) (16)
* Parsley (forest green) (13)
* Peas - Shelling Dalvay (15)
* Peas - Snow Little Sweetie (42)
**Pepper - Green Bell - Early Calwonder (17)
* Pepper - Jalapeno (early organic) (22)
* Pumpkin - small sugar or Pie (19)
* Radish - Roxanne (40)
* Spinach-Olympia hybrid (90)
* Squash - spaghetti squash (15)
* Squash - winter Buttercup (13)
* Tomato - Regular, Bush Beefsteak (28)
* Tomato - Roma/Paste (16)
* Turnip (Laurentian rutabaga) (26)
* Zucchini - Green Black Beauty (20)
These seeds are from Veseys Seeds Ltd. in PEI. We do not have planting instructions written on the packages - please refer to the Veseys catalogue or website for information.
Thank you to everyone who has donated their own seeds and is practicing seed saving in the fall. That's what this is all about! Keep growing!