Our Team of Volunteers and Committee Members:  *Cheri Appleby, June Bennett, *Pam Christensen, Phyllis Corbett, *Patti Currie, *Brenda Dunsmore, *Bruce Dunsmore, *Marilyn Erb, Mary Fanjoy, Lynn Folkins, Emmanuelle Gilger-Bedos, Robert Grant, John Hossack, *Judith Jones, *Mary Ellen Kilfillen, Marlene MacAfee, Linda MacDougall, Addie Marshall, Kathy McAllister, *Carol McLean, Elizabeth Monaco, Tom Nesbit, Cres Pascucci, *Jane Paul, Caroline Porr, Kim Reese, *Carole Sharpe, Diane Trail, *April Wilson and *Rita Winslade. 

* beside the name of a volunteer denotes those who have a key to the library.  There is also a spare key in the front desk drawer which can be used to lock up and then deposited in the book drop.  

Student volunteers:  Hanya Jeddore, Matteo Monaco, Isabella Monaco

**Our Volunteers with Added Responsibilities besides working at the front desk::

Brenda Dunsmore - Chairperson of Library Committee, Contact person re use of the building, PR, Talk Boxes Project, Sensitive Issues Bags Project, volunteers: (monthly schedule; training, volunteer team meetings), overdue books, summer students:  (grants, interviews, scheduling, supervising and training), building maintenance, keys and security system, checking books to go on the shelves after labels have been put on them, Book Memorials, organize schedule for school program and assign volunteers
Cheri Appleby - cleaning supplies
June Bennett - new volunteer 2023, library website, typing labels, ***Book Caretaker:  2 Non-Fiction bookcases (000-400)
Pam Christensen - index cards catalogue, ***Book Caretaker:  2 Fiction bookcases (G-H)
Phyllis Corbett - ***Book Caretaker:  2 Fiction bookcases (C), Lakeview Bookworms Book Club
Patti Currie - new volunteer 2022, Library Committee member, Contact person for 'Circulation & supplies', ordering stationery/library supplies, book sale room, book sales, stickers on new books, labels, ***Book Caretaker:  2 Young Adult bookcases and ***2 Fiction bookcases (C-D and M-N)
Bruce Dunsmore - Library Committee member, magazine subscriptions     
Marilyn Erb - Secretary of Library Committee, Contact person re problems with cataloguing, Lakeview Bookworms Book Club, talking circles, summer students/interviews/training, library website, typing labels, volunteer handbook, Book of Obituaries, Seed Library, culling, cataloguing, ***Book Caretaker: Local History Section and New Brunswick bookcase
Mary Fanjoy - new volunteer 2022, Hackmatack Book Club, ***Book Caretaker:  2 Fiction shelves (D-G)
Lynn Folkins - new volunteer 2025
Emmanuelle Gilger-Bedos - new volunteer 2024
Robert Grant - Library Committee member, Lakeview Bookworms Book Club, ***Book Caretaker:  2 Non-Fiction bookcases (800-900)
John Hossack - **
Judith Jones - Treasurer of Library Committee, summer students/grants and pay, Local History Section, Local School Yearbooks, Book Memorials - tax receipts for donations, Book of Obituaries
Mary Ellen Kilfillen - Contact person for computer issues. ***Book Caretaker:  2 Fiction bookcases (O to R) and ***1st of 2 Biographies (920) bookcases
Marlene MacAfee - cataloguing
Linda MacDougall - ***Book Caretaker:  Children's Section, Talk Boxes Project 
Addie Marshall - typing labels, ***Book Caretaker:  2 Fiction bookcases (L-M), maintaining supply of all forms, Lakeview Bookworms Book Club 
Carol McLean - ***Book Caretaker:  2 Non-Fiction bookcases (500-700), living history scrapbook, Author of the Month display
Elizabeth Monaco - new volunteer 2024
Tom Nesbit - Library Committee member
Cres Pascucci - **  
Jane Paul - new volunteer 2024, cataloguing, volunteer handbook, ***Book Caretaker:  Junior Non-Fiction and Children's Section
Caroline Porr - new volunteer 2024
Kim Reese - new volunteer 2023, cataloguing, typing labels, stickers on new books, ***Book Caretaker:  2 Fiction bookcases (R to S), and Westerns
Carole Sharpe - Vice-Chairperson of Library Committee member, Contact person re money issues, interviewing students, cash box, annual to-do list, typing labels, membership list, ***Book Caretaker:  2 Fiction bookcases (S to Z)
Diane Trail - cataloguing, ***Book Caretaker:  2 Fiction bookcases (A-B-C)
April Wilson - Library Committee member - new volunteer 2022 - Coffee and Cards, Hackmatack Book Club-Children's Choice Book Award, graphic posters and signs, Facebook page administrator, advertising - Jemseg Newsletter ads
Rita Winslade - Library Committee member, Contact person re iPads, talking circles, Seed Library, Volunteer Contact List, 5-year pins and volunteer registration / police checks, Lakeview Bookworms Book Club, Intergenerational Connections Committee, Community Gathering Committee, ***Book Caretaker:  2 fiction bookcases (H-L) and ***Junior Fiction bookcases
Hanya Jeddore, Matteo Monaco, Isabella Monaco - student volunteers
**All Volunteers who work at the front desk:  new memberships, serving visitors, checking books in and out, tidying and moving books to fit shelving, re-stocking books for sale in lobby.  If you wish, you can help with book sales, cataloguing incoming books that we decide to keep and anything that you want to learn how to do.
*** Book Caretakers:  Volunteers who are looking after the shelves:
1.  Alphabetical order by author and book title
2.  Duplicates (exception:  we keep Large Print plus the regular print copy)
3.  'New' books in wrong place (two special book cases for 'New' books published in the last 3 years)
4.  Stickers missing (Canadian, Classic, other themes)
5. Condition of book (cull and discard)
6.  Showcase a few
7.  Move books from the "New Arrivals" bookcase as required
8.  We culled most of the 2008 and older during the summer of 2024 
"Many hands make light work." 

 Our Library celebrated its 10th anniversary on Sunday, August 12th, 2018.  These 10-year volunteers were presented with books dedicated to them:  Glenda Constable, Judy Jones, Pat Jones, Tom Nisbet, Mary Corcoran, Carol McLean, Bruce Dunsmore and Brenda Dunsmore.  Congratulations, everyone!  Thank you for all that you do for the library and the community.   

List of Volunteers September 2008:  Jean Betts, Sandra Butler, Clare Caskey, Betty Chiswell, Glenda Constable, Mary Corcoran, Brenda and Bruce Dunsmore, Sharon Giggie, Doreen Hansen, Irene LeFeuvre, Teri Levine, Elizabeth MacKenzie, Ardith Martin, Norman McCready, Carol McLean, Bill Rowe, Jackie Jarvis, Judy Smith, Jackie Straight, Debbie Wicket.  

We are always looking for new volunteers who would like to join us.  If you would like to try it before you decide, we would love to work with you.  No pressure at all.  It is 3 hours per month.  We do have a good time and appreciate all the volunteers we have.   Volunteering is a great way to make friends and become a part of the community.  

There are four different 3-hour weekly shifts:  Tuesdays from 10 to 1 and 1 to 4; Fridays from 10 to 1 and Saturdays from 1 to 4.  

 If the schedule comes out and the dates that you'd like to volunteer are already filled, by all means, come anyway.  The more the merrier.  Most of the volunteers work the same days of each month - but you are always welcome to join them.  There's always something to do at the library, even if it's just tidying up the shelves or visiting and having a cup of tea.

 "Volunteering contributes to a higher quality of life for everyone involved." - Joe Casey

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. 

Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."  Margaret Mead.

You are never alone.  There are always books.  There's always the Library. - anon

"There are no strangers, only friends you haven't met yet."  William Butler Years

"You give but little when you give of your possessions.  It is when you give of yourself that you truly give."  Kahlil Gibran

more quotations about books/libraries/reading, etc. under 'Book Club'